Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

At Lanie's school today, the third graders performed a program in honor of Veteran's Day. Even if we are against war in general or against a specific war, we cannot be against the soldiers. Their sacrifice is too noble. After all, the arguments we are having about them are protected by the very rights they fight for.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Moore Halloween

As the kids get older, Halloween becomes very different in our family. The girls still enjoy it, but as you will notice there are no boys in these pictures.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Moore Camping

October is the time to go camping in Virginia. The weather is gorgeous, and there are no bugs. The kids had a four day weekend with no school, so...off we went.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moore Vacation

We went to Annapolis, MD for a last hurrah before Tyler headed off to school. We went sailing (I sail!); we ate a six pound milkshake; we went to the beach; and we went shopping at the waterfront. We also ate calamari at a seafood restaurant, and we soaked in the hotel hot tub. We strongly recommend this as a great vacation spot, and we'll even go back to show you around.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Moore Recollections

I was supposed to tell about my favorite vacation for a Relief Society thing, and I kind of got to thinking. I wrote down some of my memories of some of our vacations, and I wondered if any of you want to add or rebut.

Santa Monica, CA Summer 1985
We stayed at the Santa Monica beach for an entire week. We had corn dogs and cherry lemonades at a stand on the beach. There was an awesome new and HUGE mall across the street from our hotel. We ate dinner at a friend of my mom's, and she served us the seven-layer dip which has since become a staple in our family. It is the best seven-layer dip out there.

San Fransisco, CA July 1, 1984
We drove to San Fransisco and spent some time on the waterfront. We saw a man lying on the sidewalk flying kites. We went to Pebble Beach and Carmel. We ate clam chowder in Carmel. We drove down the Pacific Coast Highway to Los Angeles. Our luggage fell off the roof of the car and my dad had to run on the highway to collect it. We went to the beach at Santa Monica, and we went to Apple Pan. We went to Disneyland. On the way home through the southern California desert, the luggage fell off again. After we stopped and fixed it, the car wouldn't start cause it was too hot. We said a prayer. As soon as Dad said 'amen', Jed said, “Ok, we can go now.”

Mount Rushmore, SD August 6, 1982
My family caravaned with my two aunts' families. We took tents and slept in KOA's along the way. We stayed in Casper, WY. My cousins played Risk in the back seat. My dad and aunt and uncle had walkie talkies but you had to be so close together for them to work that you could read lips anyway. I remember the KOA at Mt. Rushmore was very nice. After we left Mt. Rushmore, my dad took an alternate way home, and we way stayed in a hotel in Colorado on our last night.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Moore Milestones

1. Tyler is now a high school graduate. He graduated #30 out of 471.
2. Tyler graduated from Seminary, and Tyler & Jeremy both received the Abraham award which means they read the ENTIRE Old Testament.
3. Alex turned twelve and started going to Young Women's. She also got her ears pierced.

One Moore Eagle Has Landed

Finally! Tyler received his Eagle on Sunday, June 1. We are very proud of him. This is no small feat.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Moore Prom

Moore Miserables (Not Les)

Tyler was awesome! He definitely has been bitten by the acting bug. We bought the DVD of his performance if anyone wants to see it.

Jeremy might try it someday!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Moore Easter

We have some Easter traditions.

We decorate eggs, and we have an egg hunt.

This year we even did a little camping.

Moore Talents

Tyler is in his school's production of Les Miserables. He has a part in the chorus. Tickets go on sale Monday!

Jeremy's basketball team won the stake championship. The final game was a very exciting overtime game. Jeremy drew a fifth-foul charge on one of the other team's best players.

Alex made a quilt! She chose the fabrics herself and did most of the sewing. Isn't it fabulous?

Lanie & Alex had their dance recital. They've been working hard all year, and they were both wonderful.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Remember Moore

I remember when Pres. Hinckley came to visit our city. He asked the choir to sing "Shenandoah" because he had heard that that was one of their best numbers. They all looked at him because that song wasn't on the program. He said, "Well, come on, we haven't got all day!" I miss him.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Moore Cougars

Tyler has been accepted! He even got a two-semester scholarship. He'll go this August. The tradition continues.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Moore books

I read a book that some of you might like. It's not the kind of book I usually read, but I'm glad I read it. It's called Kindred by Octavia Butler. It was written in 1979, but it must have had a recent resurgience in popularity. It's about slavery, and I shouldn't tell you anymore if you're going to read it. (If not, just call me.) I will say that it made me think about some things.

I read another book that is the kind of book I usually read, and probably no one would want to read it. It's called Copernicus' Secret. It's about Copernicus' book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres which was the first major publication for centuries that claimed that the universe was heliocentric instead of geocentric. I was thinking what it would be like if the whole way we explain the world around us were suddenly changed and reexplained in a different way. I don't know if I would like that.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Moore Kids

Thought you might want an update on what the kids are up to.

Tyler is a senior in high school. He is the editor of the school literary magazine. He loves to play the piano and arrange music. He is the accompanist for our ward choir. He has applied to BYU and is awaiting a response.

Jeremy is a freshman in high school. He loves to play basketball, and he plays on the YM team. He got an Xbox for Christmas, and he loves to play Halo 3. He beat the game on the legendary level making him the 'master of destruction'.

Alex is a sixth grader in middle school. She takes dance class, and she participates in a local cotillion. She loves to shop, and her favorite store (currently) is Tweed.

Lanie is in second grade. She loves to play with friends. She takes dance class once a week. She likes to read, and her favorite food is chinese sundaes.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Moore Christmas

My friend gave me an Amaryllis bulb in early December, and I gave it life. That is an accomplishment for me; I don't do very well with living plants. Isn't it beautiful?

We went to Williamsburg for the Grand Illumination. That means they shoot off fireworks to officially start the Christmas season.

Moore Thanksgiving

We had an awesome time in New York. Jed & Heather were fabulous hosts, and Hebe was a wonderful tour guide. Yupp was great at entertaining and carrying Lanie.